
Why Is Pluto Not A Planet ?

                WHY   PLUTO   IS NOT CONSEDERED AS A PLANET ANYMORE ?       A planet has to be a dominant gravitational body in its orbit.pluto fails to meet these principles,as there are many planets similar to pluto around its orbit.Pluto is only about 0.07 times the mass of other planets in its orbit.     The ryhme helped countless middle school kids,includung me,learn the names of the nine planets in our solar system,as well as their order.                                                                                   My(Mercury) Very (venus) Educated (Mother) Just (Jupiter) Showed (Saturn) Us (Uranus) Nine (Neptune) Planets (Pluto).     However,that all changed in the year 2006, when International Astronomical Union took away our beloved planet Pluto's status as a planet. All the ryhmes we heard were suddenly useless. Pluto was named after the God of the Underworld, was suddenly was not a planet anymore.                                        




                                          SCIENCE                          The word "science" probably brings to mind many different pictures : a fat textbook,white lab coats and microscopes,an astronomers peering through a telescope,a naturalist in the rainforest ,Estein's equation's scribbled on a chalkboard,the lanch of the space shuttle,bubbling beakers........ All of these images reflec some aspect of science,nut none of them provides a full pictures because science has so many facets:science is the concerted human effort to understand,or to understand better,the history of the natural world and how the natural world work's,with odservable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding.It is done through observations of natural phenomena and through experimentation that tries to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions.                   \                                            SCIENTISTS           A scientist is a person

The Insight .

                                            INSIGHT                         The Interior Exploration Using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (INSIGHT)  mission  is a robotic lander designed to study the interior of the planet mars.It was manufactured by LOCKHEED MARTIN, is mannaged by NASA's jet propulsion laboratory ,and most of its scientists instruments were built by European agencies.                                 Insight's objectives are to place a seismometre which shortly called as SEIS on the surface of  mars to measure the seismetic activities and provide accurate 3D models of the planets interior structure and measure inside temperature using a probe named HP3 to study Mars.                                                                                                                 SEISMOMETRE                                                                                                                                    


                                      EDUCATION.         Education is the process of facilitating learning,knowledge,skills,values,beleifs and habits.Education methods includes  storytelling , discussion , teaching , training   and directed  research . Education frequently takes place the guidance of educators .However learners may also  educate themselves . Educatiion can take place in formal or informal setting and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks,feels and or acts may be considered educational.                                                                   HISTORY OF EDUCATION  Education began in prehistory, as adults trained the young in the knowledge and skills deemed necessary in their society. In pre- literate  societies, this was achieved orally and through imitation. Story-telling passed knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to the next. As cultures began to extend their  knowledge  beyond skills that could be readily

Kaleswaram Project

                                              The   Kaleshwaram  Project               Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project starts at the confluence point of  'Pranahita river' and  'Godavari river' which passes through Kaleswaram village in Telanagana.Pranahita river is a confluence of various smaller tributaries like Penganga,Wainganga and Wardha rivers.It is estimated that Pranahati river has an annual average flow of 280 TMC .                          The project was originally named as 'Pranahita Chevalla Lift Irrigation Project' ,but the project design couldn't materialize due various issues. The original plan aimed to build a barrage across Pranhita river at  Tummidihetti Village  and this would serve as the starting point for the project. The height of the proposed barrage in the original plan would also submerge large fertile areas in Maharashtra.In 2016 Telangana and Mahaeastra governments entered MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to res