
             Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their inter-relation with life,society and the environment,drawing upon such subjects as indysrial arts,engineering,applied science,and pure science.

Technology is the collection of  Techniquies,skills,methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives,such as scientific investigation.Technology can be the knowledge of techniques,processes,and the like,or it can be embedded in machines which can be operated without detailed knowledge of their workings.

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 A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function,and is related to today's fast-advancing modern age technology to create such gadgets.Gadgets have a wide variety of functions and styles.All of these functions show the progressing advanced modern age.Gadgets are sometimes reffered to as gizmos.Gizmos in particular are  bit different from gadgets (Citation needed).Gadgets in particular are small tools powered by electronic principles(a circuit board).
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                                FACTS ABOUT TECHNOLOGY AND GADGETS

The founder of Microsoft ,Bill Gates,was a college drop-out.
➤Bill Gates house was designed using a Macintosh Computer.
➤On 1st April 2005,NASA pulled a prank telling the world that they had found water on Mars.
➤Email has been around longer that the World 


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