The Kailash manasarovar Yatra ..

                            Dream   for   kailash    manasarovar    yatra     

                   It was a dream . It sparked long time back , it continued to grow and at one point of 
time became vigorous and  continually coming to mind . It is the lord's great adode on earth 'the mount Kailash" . The prayers where heared,but not because of the qualification but because of 
its immense Grace,the lord showed the way in 2001.Unless its permission is there  who could 
enter the holiest of the holy place? the grace of god got to jion a group that had planned to
takeup the yatra via Kathmandu. When all the yatris  assembled a month before the yatra for a 
briefing,the mental charge had picked up for this great pilgrimage of the lifes .
                                                Image result for kailasa manasa sarovara

                    There where lots of hurdiles frontcoming.The travel schedule was postponed by two weeks just a couple of days before departure because ofsome visa restrictions. It was really hard to settle the local logisticsto accommodate this change in schedule. When things were getting set came the news of Kathmandu royal family massacre ! The status of the yatra washanging. What can one do other than pleading to the Supreme to shower thedivine grace that would take us to have a glimpse of His holy feet. We don'tdemand that as the right, as the Supreme knows our deservings, but just begfor the Grace like a small child that cries for the mother just putting astep forward.

                                                         The      Great     Yatra     Begins.
                       When assembled with the pilgrims on the Sunday 9 th June night itself, it felt nice. To be in the association of devotees that too whohave come with the single mind of having dharshan of Kailashapathi, inspite of all the hurdles, is certainly lovely. The next morning whenwe started for the Bangalore Airport to catch the flight to Indraprastham(Delhi) - Kathmandu, the mind was full of thankfulness and enthusiasm looking for the most look forward journey. When landed in Kathmandu onMonday evening, the return of slow normalcy in that city was feelable.     
                                            Image result for kailasa manasa sarovara yatra begins
                             On Sunday morning we started off to the next camp, Paryang. The journey is alongside river brahmaputra initially. As the sun was shining well some of the pilgrims took bath in the river. But in spite of the sunthe water was quite cold. That evening we arrived at Paryang. It was atravel of about 200 kms everyday. Totally about 900 km gets covered fromKathmandu to Kailash. From one camp to other for hundreds of kilometers, itis hard to see any inhabitations except really few of the tibetens.
                      Image result for kailasa manasa sarovara yatra begins   

Image result for kailasa manasa sarovara yatra begins

Image result for kailasa manasa sarovara yatra begins

Image result for kailasa manasa sarovara yatra     

                                                      NAMAH     SHIVAYA


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